Network of Bay Area Worker Co-ops Job Fair

Loved connecting with this group of beautiful free souls! Stephanie and I presented at the Network of Bay Area Worker Co-ops job fair Tues night ~ Temple of Earth was passionately received! That is because <of my amazing beautification skills ha and> soooo many people in the Bay deeply and personally know the need for rooted Black traditional medicine spaces <and have encountered the extractive and heartless sourcing of herbs that is rampant in this industry, shallow or tangled roots in so-called healing spaces and all manners of other spiritual theft.>

It is time we get to prosper in our own free beautiful gorgeous decadent healing power spaces. We deserve this and the earth will have it no other way, as we re-member and are re-membered — it is always mutual! There is a wave of more beautiful Black freedom and healing spaces arising in the Bay right now!!! 🌊🙏🏾

Come on family!!!!! I am taught that Justice is a fact of nature. MA’AT.

Justice, strength and power to your protectors and wise guides!

LOVE U! More soon⚡️


PS. Please donate if you are moved by the works we are up to!

Cutting a Path

GoFundMe made a full reimbursement! Thank you to those who were able to resend your contribution. The campaign remains L I V E and folks are welcome to contribute via Venmo if it feels preferable to GoFundMe. Thank you for continuing to hold and spread the prayer for this healing home.

Ps. peep a sneak peak below at a collage from Temple’s line of Ancestral Prayer Candles to be sold in stores this winter! more soon! ❤️‍🔥

Love, Dani

Gofundme Corporate mistakenly refunded your donation!! -___-

As mercury turned direct last Saturday night (10/1/22), Gofundme Corporate erroneously refunded all the contributions Temple of Earth Apothecary had collected through the gofundme website, back to our community of contributors. They wiped our campaign clean of contributor contact information, so we’ve been unable to reach out to donors we do not know personally. We are grieving — amongst heartache and pissed! Also trusting this will be sorted out! 💫 Gofundme has an investigation team currently looking into what caused the error, and best believe, we have given them crystal clear direction for how to make the necessary repairs.

If you received a refund of your donation, and are able, please click here to reroute your tithing back to Temple’s Opening Fund.

Community, we love you! We are here, we are growing, we are coming as brick-and-mortar in true time. Thank you for your continued vision!

Tremendous Love,

Danielle & Stephanie // Temple of Earth Apothecary